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M. Due 2024
Leo V - 903-904 :
Leo V (Leone V) Leo V blev pave i september 903 og døde i begyndelsen af 904 efter at være blevet fængslet efter en paladsrevolution. Han blev myrdet i fængslet sammen med Christopher, der havde afsat ham, men selv var blevet afsat af Sergius.
Leo V (Latin: Leo PP. V, Italian: Leone V; died c. February 904) was Pope starting in July 903 during the period known as the Saeculum obscurum. He was thrown into prison in September 903 by the Antipope Christopher, and was probably killed at the start of the Pontifikate of Pope Sergius III. If his deposition is not considered valid (as in the modern Vatican list), then his papacy may be considered to have ended with his death in 904.
Leo V was born at a place called Priapi, near Ardea. Although he was a priest when he was elected pope following the death of Pope Benedict IV (900-903), he was not a Cardinal priest of Rome.
During his brief Pontifikate, Leo granted the canons of Bologna a special papal bull (epistola tuitionis) where he exempted them from the payment of taxes. However, after a reign of a little over two months, Leo was captured by Christopher, the Cardinal-priest of San Lorenzo in Damaso, and thrown into prison. Christopher then had himself elected pope (903-904), and although now considered an antipope, he had until recently been considered a legitimate pope. If Leo never acquiesced to his deposition, then he can be considered Pope until his death in 904.
Leo died whilst in prison. He was either murdered on the orders of Christopher, who was in turn executed by Pope Sergius III (904-911) in 904, or, more likely, both were ordered to be killed at the beginning of Sergius’ Pontifikate, either on the orders of Sergius himself, or by the direction of the sacri palatii vestararius, Theophylact, Count of Tusculum.
Katolske begreber:
Ordforklaring :
Pontifikat:[ - ] Pontifikat, (af lat. pontificatus, afledt af pontifex), en paves regeringstid.
Pontifex, (lat., af pons 'vej, bro', gen. pontis, og -fex, af facere 'gøre'; af omstridt bet., måske 'den, der baner vej' eller 'den, der bygger bro'), i romersk religion navnet på et ledende medlem af pontifikalkollegiet, et præstekollegium bestående af rex sacrorum, de tre store flamines og tolv mindre flamines; pontifex maximus 'den største pontifex' havde som særligt embedsområde Vestakulten. Pontifikalkollegiet holdt til i Regia (egl. 'kongens hus') på Forum Romanum og havde bl.a. overopsyn med Roms statskult, lege (ludi), sakralret og varselstydning. Fra ca. 200 f.Kr. kendes tabulae pontificum 'pontifexernes tavler', en samling historiske annaler.
Fra og med Augustus blev ærestitlen pontifex maximus givet til den regerende kejser, og i løbet af 400-t. overtog paven den oprindelig hedenske titulatur, ofte forkortet pont.max. eller PM, nu i formen summus pontifex, hvis betydning tolkedes kristologisk som 'den, der slår bro mellem Jord og Himmel'.
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